1978 CESSNA 182Q
Registration Number: N75WG
Serial number: 18266297
Airframe: 4200
Engine: 337 SLOH / 30 STOH
Engine Type: Continental IO-550-D
Prop: 145 SNEW
Prop Type: MT Propeller 3 Blade Composite
Prop Model: MTV-9/210-58
Max Gross Weight: 3100
Empty Weight: 1955
Useful Load: 1144
Fuel: 75 Gallons Useable
Aspen EFD Pro Max 1500 PFD **
Aspen EFD Pro Max 1500 MFD**
Garmin GTN 750
Garmin GNC 255A Comm/NAV
Garmin GI 106B (VOR/LOC/ILS)
Garmin GTX 345 Transponder ADS-B In and Out**
Garmin GDL-69 XM Weather Uplink
Garmin Flight Stream 510** -
Garmin Safe Taxi, Charts, and Nav Databases
S-TEC 3100 A/P**
JPI EDM 900 Electronic Engine Monitoring Display** w/New Fuel Senders
Insight Strike Finder
Davtron M-800-24 Chronometer
Davtron M-655-2 Multi-Function Display: OAT, Density/Pressure Altitude, and Voltage
Alpha Systems Angle of Attack with flip up HUD display
Avidyne TAS-600 Traffic Avoidance System
PS Engineering 7000B Audio Panel -
Standby Flight Instruments
Precise Flight Standby Vacuum System
Horton STOL Gap Seals
Wing Stall Fences
Vortex Generators**
Lakevue Aeronautic Detachable Folding Jump Seats
In-panel USB ports
GAMI Injectors
LED Lights: Nav, Beacon, Landing, Taxi, Strobes
RMD Wing Tip w/LED Landing Lights and Pulse light/Wig-Wag System
Electric Trim on Yoke wit A/P Disconnect and Go-Around
BAS Inertial Reel 4-Point Shoulder Harness System (Pilot/Co-Pilot)**
Cargo restraint System
Long Range Tanks (80 Gallons/75 Useable)
Storage Caddy on Aft Baggage Door
Tanis Pre-Heat System
Pitot and Angle of Attack Indicator Heat
Halon Fire Extinguisher
Precise Flight 4-Place Oxygen Bottle w/Regulator
Rosen Sun visors
Wemac Air Vents
Courtesy Lights
Summer and Winter Weight Custom Cloth Covers/Custom Reflective Window Covers
Elevator Leading Edge Abrasion Protectors
Equipped w/Standard Landing Gear and Tires (Includes Oversized Tires and Heavyweight Nose gear)
Knots 2U Wheel Speed Fairings